Hello Everyone! I have officially entered the world of blogging, thanks to my best friend in the entire world (thanks Nikki)!
I must say that 2010 has been one of the toughest years that I have ever experienced. For starters, on January 4, my father decided (once again) that he did not want to be married to my mother. I say "once again" because he has left her several, several times in the past. However, this is the farthest that he has ever gone. He has his own apartment, they went through mediation, and their final divorce papers should be arriving in the mail any day now. My parents have been married for 36 years. I was of course devastated in the very beginning, but now, as sad as it is to say, I am somewhat relieved. They both hurt each other throughout the years, but I can say that my mother NEVER cheated on my father, and she stuck by him even though he cheated on her several times throughout the marriage. I do not want them to spend the rest of their lives miserable together, so I am hoping that they will be happy apart.
Now, my brother and his wife are separated. He cheated on her earlier this year, admitted it to her, and they had apparently rekindled their love for each other. Now, my sister-in-law feels the need to cheat on my brother because he hurt her so badly. However, she won't admit to any wrongdoing, even though we all know the truth. She has left their children with my brother every weekend for the past three weeks so that she can go out and do her "thing." She tells her family that she is afraid to be in the house with my brother, but we all know that this is a bunch of bullshit. She has no reason to be afraid; this is just a lame ass excuse on her part to cheat. My brother will be moving into a townhouse this weekend. My sister-in-law decided to take the children to Virginia to see her family for the holiday. The problem is that she is in a rental car that specifically states that she is not to drive it out of state, and, she is taking prescription medication which states that she is not supposed to drive long distances either. She has placed her childrens lives as well as her own in danger. She refuses to cook, clean, do laundry, or any other household duties. If she doesn't partake in these duties as a wife, then how in the hell will she do it as a single mother? My brother asked her if she would cook for the children when they separate, and she said no, that she would hire a chef!
Last month, my husband lost his mother in a single car accident, and I have been trying my best to help him cope. I know that he was close to his mother, and I know that losing a parent is one of the most hurtful roads to travel down. It seems like lately him and I have been arguing about his ex wife. Why? I believe that I have some type of underlying resentment towards her. Granted, they have no children together, but I think I am still upset at him for marrying her in the first place. My husband and I met in July of 2001, and at that time, he had been in a relationship with her for two years. Him and I became instantly became the best of friends. We never, ever were intimate, EVER, even though that is hard for people to believe. The main reason we never slept together was because I was in the Navy, and the majority of our communication took place over the phone. My husband continued on in his relationship, even though she was still seeing her ex-husband off and on. One time my husband showed up at her house, and her ex-husband was in her bed. She claimed that he was too tired to drive home from work, so he dropped in to take a nap! And my husband politely let this go! He practically re-modeled her house, bought her a brand new Explorer, and re-financed her home loan in his name so that she would not have to worry about an interest only loan. He took her on trips to Cancun, Mexico, cruises, and to Florida. My husband co-signed for one of her children's college loans. The horrible part about all of this is that he did these things before they got married! He married her in October of 2008, and by April of 2009, she decided that after 6 months of marriage and 10 years together, that she did not want to be married to my husband any longer. She packed his belongings and placed them underneath her carport. I was there for him as a friend, and as the months moved along, I began to feel so strongly about him. I had told him when I was pregnant with my son that I believed that him and I were soul mates, and how I wished that we had met each other in another lifetime. Our love for each other continued to grow and grow until the point where we couldn't stand it. We tried dating for a little bit, but we both decided to get married. I love him so much, and I know that he loves me, but I am mad because when he divorced, he continued to pay for the Explorer ($442.72 a month), and his name will remain on her house until she either refinances it or sells it, which is not going to happen anytime soon. He pulled his credit report and discovered that she has been late paying on the house several times, which is affecting his credit. Thankfully, the Explorer will be paid off in April, and thank God that I purchased our home before we married. But it still makes me angry that if we ever did desire to move, his name being on that house would hinder us from doing so. I have to remind myself that this is in his past, and that I shouldn't be upset at him for what he did before we got together.
Wow, what a mouthful, but this sums up my year in a nutshell. Hopefully next year will bring much more joy and happiness to my entire family, because this year was definitely a roller coaster!
Damn!! That sounds like my family!!